
Fine Virtual Manipulation with Hands of Different SizesFine Virtual Manipulation with Hands of Different Sizes
S.Sorli, D.Casas, M.Verschoor, A.Tajadura Jiménez and M.A.Otaduy
Proc. of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2021
Tactile renderingTactile Rendering Based on Skin Stress Optimization
M.Verschoor, D.Casas and M.A.Otaduy
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 39, 2020
Two Interacting HandsReal-Time Pose and Shape Reconstruction of Two Interacting Hands with a Single Depth Camera
F.Mueller, M.Davis, F.Bernard, O.Sotnychenko, M.Verschoor, M.A.Otaduy, D.Casas and C.Theobalt
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38, 2019
Thesis CoverSimulation and Animation of Deformable Solids
PhD Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology, 2019
Efficient and Accurate Collision ResponseEfficient and Accurate Collision Response for Elastically Deformable Models
M.Verschoor and A.C.Jalba
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38, 2019
Soft-Hand SimulationSoft Hand Simulation for Smooth and Robust Natural Interaction
M.Verschoor, D.Lobo and M.A.Otaduy
Proc. IEEE VR, 2018
Proxy-based RenderingProxy-Based Haptic Rendering for Underactuated Haptic Devices
D.Lobo, M.Sarac, M.Verschoor, M.Solazzi, A.Frisoli and M.A.Otaduy
Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2017
GPU FEMElastically Deformable Models Based on the Finite Element Method Accelerated on Graphics Hardware using CUDA
M.Verschoor and A.C.Jalba
Journal of WSCG 20, 2012
GPU Conjugate GradientAnalysis and Performance Estimation of the Conjugate Gradient Method on multiple GPUs
M.Verschoor and A.C.Jalba
Parallel Computing 38, 2012